Wednesday, December 30, 2009

OK - the deed is done!

I did it.

I joined Eharmony tonight.

And I obsessively read every single "Closed Match" message. "I just don't feel the chemistry is there" bugs me. Somebody I don't know can read a few words about me and tell me that the "chemistry isn't there"...?

Oh man. It's going to be a long year.

But I must confess...I went through all my matches tonight. I ran them through my quick filters - their spelling first (yes, a man's spelling is important to me - if he can't tell the difference between "your" and "you're," well, I'm not interested) and then their height. I'm nearly six feet tall, and I'm not quite sure how to deal with someone who is 5'5".

And then I sent them "Close Match" messages..."I just don't feel the chemistry is there."

Turnabout is fair play, I guess.

I did send a message to one of my matches, a guy who lives near me. He looks interesting - a musician and singer. I'm also a musician and a singer; I spent more than 20 years doing musical theatre, so maybe we have something terrific in common.

Eharmony has this silly thing called "guided communication." Yeah, I say it's silly, because you have to do this little dance that can take weeks. First you send them 5 questions you want your match to answer that you pick from a long list. Then your match sends you the answers. Then your match sends you his 5 questions. Then you send your answers. There are 2 more stages before you can tell the guy your name - I think. We'll see if my first match decides to answer my questions. I hope he does.

This is hard work!

I'm off to bed now. Talk to you tomorrow.



The Stars Align!

Hey, check this out - I found it on Yahoo this evening - my "romantic outlook" for 2010:

Regardless of whether you're in a relationship or not, Scorpio, you're certainly going to be getting a lot of potential romantic attention this year, and you'll be having a lot of fun with it. Expansive Jupiter starts the year in your Romance Sector, and even if you aren't looking for a relationship, the opportunities will be there. Conditions may not have been the best in the recent past for you, but all that is over for now. Time to cut loose! June, July and August is prime time to strike. If you're looking for a relationship (or you want to solidify an existing one), make the effort during those three months, and you'll be rewarded.

So, the stars are aligned! Cool.

But do I have to wait for June? I plan to start "cutting loose" in January!

Oh boy! I can't wait!



Cold feet...?

OK. So sue me. I'm getting cold feet. Dating is damned hard work, and anyone who says it's fun is a lying sack of crap. Either that or they're stoned.

I'm not going to wuss out, though, because this is too important.

Stay tuned.



Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Getting Started

It's coming up on another New Year's Eve, and I don't have a date.

This fact pisses me off. It pisses me off every year. Last year, I was asleep - with earplugs - at 10pm.

But this year, somehow I ended up more pissed off than I've ever been. I don't know why, exactly, but I can guess. Hmmm. Let's see: I'm 55 years old - that's enough right there! I also weigh more than I want to weigh; a lot more. I'm developing a number of aches and pains that can only be attributed to my advancing age and the unwelcome rolls around my middle.

I'm tired of being alone. I want to go to a glamorous party on New Year's Eve with my special someone. I want to be a kinakou, on my throne, sipping Kahlua. I'd like some romance in my life for a change.

That's what has inspired this blog. I want some romance in my life, and my goal is to have a special man with whom to share my life - and my next New Year's Eve.

I have some really good qualities; I really do. I'm smart, I'm funny, I have red hair. I have a very large heart, and I'm very kind. I'm creative, quirky and I'm a damn good cook.

There has got to be someone out there for me.

Simple, right? Not so fast.

Here's the hitch: I haven't had a date in, well, let's just say it has been a long time. I don't have much confidence in my ability to flirt or to make light conversation over coffee at Starbuck's. I'm way out of practice, and I've got a little problem with being shy.

That's why I thought this blog would be a fun idea. My plan is to fork over the $300 bucks it costs to join E-harmony (seriously - it costs $300!!), and then use this blog to document the process. I'll work my way through my compatible matches (matched on 29 levels of compatibility!) just like Julie worked her way through all of Julia Childs' recipes, and I'll tell you all about it, right here at Maggie Goes Fishing.

Wish me luck!

